“Azimut” Seminar

The MUBR did its fair share of work in the organization of Colloque Azimut to convey the concept of circular economy in layman’s terms. The MUBR, through MU Conseils, also had to meet the challenge of designing and facilitating a participative process that would promote interactions among participants. During this workshop, a total of 57 areas of interactions were identified. In other words, 57 options were generated among regional organizations to promote tangible and non-tangible residual waste.

“ADN Plan Nord” Seminar

The Plan Nord is an ambitious sustainable Northern Quebec resource development program. Remote regions are central to this strategy and the government encourages the involvement of Northern populations and stakeholders in this project. In this context, the Chambre de commerce de Manicouagan (CCM), the MUBR, the Centre d’expérimentation et de développement en forêt boréale (CEDFOB) and the Conseil des Innus de Pessamit organized the “ADN Plan Nord” seminar. The purpose of the seminar was to better understand and empower the consultation and partnership approach to be implemented with stakeholders in this resource development program.

“Repenser son entreprise” Seminar

The MUBR proposed to regional businesses to get together and give themselves the tools to rethink their ventures. Whether by complying with market demands or initiating a thinking process on their own performance, businesses of any type are concerned by sustainability and corporate responsibility. During the training, social accountability was addressed as a management tool for businesses looking to become more proactive and innovative. Guest speakers well-known for their expertise in the field gave inspiring presentations and hands-on workshops during the seminar. As a result, businesses can make the most of this training by considering it as a useful starting point to position or re-position their businesses.

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